Prospect to Client Journey Information Capture Plan

Prospect-Client Information


Contact phone, email, address, time zone:

When, how, why was contact initiated:


Client Communications Log.

Client Contact Calendar Log. 

Client files


Client details; Contract; Client notes; Client meeting dates; Payments made; Number of sessions; session summary

The client engagement process

Client engagement next steps

Checklists: outcomes to aim for and activities to engage in for the client at each step


Clarifying needs, Setting Goals, and Vision for the coaching




Client notes:

A: Actual, factual information the client shares and is relevant to record

C: Coaching considerations, further research I need to do, ideas I have

T: Tasks I agree to undertake after the coaching session, client fieldwork, etc.

Payment record:

Setting future sessions:


Record keeping:


Logging feedback:

Post-session response to the client:

Session tracking:

Financial tracking:

Continuous evaluation and improvement:


Feedback to monitor coaching effectiveness 

Coach development areas

Areas to address within the coaching engagement


Client Retention Program and Calendar

Client name:

Completed project:

Client satisfaction interview: How did we do? What could we have done better? Where do you expect challenges over the next year, and how might we be of support in the future?

Future concerns and upcoming projects:

Next Follow-up date:

Value to provide in next follow-up:

[] Schedule regular contacts. Conduct satisfaction interviews. Offer technical lunch and learn (on a subject of interest to them; use project case studies)

[] Who else do we need to know in the organization (would the contact be willing to make introductions)?

[] Determine potential new work opportunities.

[] Periodically send articles or information of interest. Client Communications Log. 

[] Schedule to meet regularly – quarterly, monthly. “Drop in” for a visit if the company allows it. Walk around and meet others while in the building. Client Contact Calendar Log. 

[] Networking. Regularly attend networking events and conferences this client attends. List potential events and dates.

[] Invite them to a social event that fits their interest.


Capture Plan Template 

Target Sector Description. Single paragraph. Name the sector as known by its constituents:  

Ideal Client Description in 100 Words:  

List of potential clients in the target sector, Names, Contact info, LinkedIn, Twitter:  

Target company or prospect’s current projects, issues, or concerns: 

Capture plan intelligence. Basic prospect information and how to best pursue the prospect: 

Go/No-Go Check: Company is in the target sector. Prospect is a good target client. Project is a good fit for my skill set. Reasonable time to respond (to RFPs & RFQs). Possible to build the relationship.

Worthwhile to pursue: ___ Yes, Focus and pursue. ___ No, Drop the pursuit.

Referral source or affiliation:

How to meet and talk to the decision-maker; actions: What channel, what means or tools, by when, what to say: 

Affiliate, gain attention, raise interest, get and give information. 

The Pre-Contract Phase

The prospecting journey: Checklist

Initial contact with the prospective client

Session preparation for the marketing conversation

The marketing conversation

Session preparation for the sales conversation

The sales conversation – setting expectations, coaching, contracting, confidentiality

Prospective Client Capture Plan Checklist 

(Use with each new prospect pursuit.)

[] Company/organization. Address. Contact. Title. Phones. Email.

[] Our manager for this client (include others that may be involved).

[] Conduct research (learn about the prospect; check the website, news items): other office locations; other people we need to meet; services they need; news items; potential opportunities.

[] Conduct internal research (gather knowledge of who has contacts or previous experience at this company). 

[] First meeting plan

Introduce yourself and the company; direct them to our website

Preplan open-ended questions

Offer to conduct a lunch and learn (try to set a date as soon as they seem interested)

Send additional information based on your conversation

Set future meeting

[] Add to the newsletter mailing list

[] Conduct a general services presentation. 

[] Send a handwritten “thank you for your time” note to each person attending. 

[] Identify project opportunities and add them to the tracking sheet. Time frame. Potential revenue.

[] Send more detailed SoQ or additional follow-up information. 

[] Schedule next steps and follow-up. Client Contact Calendar Log. 

[] Schedule lunch meetings with key individuals (list them and the scheduled dates)

[] Who else do we need to know in the organization (would the contact be willing to make introductions)? 

[] Determine potential new work opportunities. 

[] Periodically send articles or information of interest. Client Communications Log.

[] Schedule to meet regularly – quarterly, monthly. “Drop in” for a visit if the company allows it. Walk around and meet others while in the building. Client Contact Calendar Log. 

[] Networking. Regularly attend networking events and conferences this client attends. List potential events and dates.

[] Invite them to a social event that fits their interest.

Prospecting Journey Action Steps Protocol 

Name a target prospect from the “List of potential clients.” 

Prospect name: 

Prospect’s sector: 

Prospect’s current project, issue, or concern: 

Re-Check: Go/No-Go: __Yes __ No Pursue: __Yes __No 

Prospect, Company contact info: 

Our manager: 

Research brief: 

Service needs: 

Internal research brief:


Define the Schedule and Process

BD start date:

Who is the decision-maker:

How to meet the decision-maker:

Calendar dates for networking meetings:

Cold call to introduce yourself and company; date, time, phone number:

Cold Call Script:

Notes from the cold call:

Agreed introductory meeting date:

Questions prepared for the introductory meeting:

Prepare for the Strategy Session  

Initial contact details:

Payment terms:

Contact history:

Prepare Session:

Strategy session:

Presenting: Expectation setting, coaching, contracting, confidentiality:

The management information system (MIS)

The MIS holds relevant information from initial contact with the client to the end of a client contract.

Open a new prospect-client file in the MIS. 

Take out a Capture Plan Checklist. 

Initiate Prospecting Journey Action Steps Protocol. 

Name a target prospect from the “List of potential clients.” 

Prospect name: 

Prospect’s sector: 

Prospect’s current project, issue, or concern: 

Re-Check: Go/No-Go: __Yes __ No Pursue: __Yes __No 

Prospect, Company contact info: 

Our manager: 

Research brief: 

Service need: 

Internal research brief:


Define the Schedule and Process 

Prepare for the Strategy Session