integrative practice / process

The Process

This page contains the links to the freshpractice model process elements.

Introductory Meetings & Discovery

The Introductory Prospect Meeting

The Informed Practitioner Model of Professional Coaching

A Way to Wholeness and Wellbeing and the freshpractice Framework

Requisite Organization : Aligning managerial accountability with human capability

Process Dialectic: Phases & Stages

The Intake Process: Pre-Coaching

Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

Getting to Know You

Four-Way Coachability Index

Session Ends: Reflections & Assessments

How We Look at the World: Contrasting Lenses of Coach and Client

Coach Self-Reflection: Sessional

Coaching Defaults: Self-Assessment

Coaching Package: Program Structure, Payment for Discovery

Client Management Information System

Preparing for the Discovery Session

Communication in Preparation for the Discovery Session

Establishing Preliminary Needs, Goals, & Vision: Invitation to Explore and Inquire Into Your Needs, Goals, & Vision for the Coaching

Contracting for Success

The Contracting Conversation: A Script for the Initial (Discovery) Coaching Session

Sample Coaching Agreement

The Full Range of Positive Outcomes Possible Through Coaching

The Developmental Coaching Relationships Framework

Sample Proposal

Contracting for Success: A Guiding Framework

Multi-Stakeholder Contracting

The Contracting Phase: Find a Way to Be a Partner

Transitioning to the Executive Coach Role


Onboarding Checklist

Onboarding Resource List

Welcome Message

Initial Inquiry: Strengths, Goals, and the Best Possible Future Self

Welcome to Your Coaching Program for Wellbeing, Achievement, & Resilience

A Word on Support

Intentions, Engagement, & Commitment

Operationalizing the Guidelines, Principles, & Fundamentals

Community Guidelines for Participation & Communications: Success Principles

Readiness for Change

Client Readiness to Change

Client Readiness for Coaching: Assessment protocol

Session Structuring Tools

Inquiries: Onboarding and Contracting 

Best Possible Self Exercises 

Session Structure for Ongoing Coaching Sessions

Monitoring Quality and Effectiveness of My Approach: Rating Scales

Questions Questions

The Art of Powerful Questions

A word on coaching models

Coaching Conversation Planning Guide

Session Structuring Models

Executive Coaching Models

Exploring & Understanding Coaching Models

The Integrative Coaching Model & The SPACE Model

Existential Authentic Leadership Coaching Model

Appreciative Inquiry in Coaching

Perspectives on Executive Coaching 


The Process Consultant

Social and Emotional Intelligence Scales (SEIS) 

Coach Development Guide 

Areas of developmental practice for the coach CPD

Working Session on Engaging the CPD Process  

The Positive Coach: Being, Knowing, Doing, & Lifelong Developing

The Business

Setting up and running your coaching practice

The Bussiness Development Plan

Guide to Business Development 

Watertight Marketing Steps


The Marketing Conversation

The Selling Conversation

Prospect to Client Journey Information Capture Plan

Prospect-Client Needs, Goals, and Vision 

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) 

The Reflective Coaching Practitioner Model

Coaching Supervision 

Continuing Professional Development and The Reflective Practitioner Model

The Reflective Practitioner 

Action Research

Subject-specific CPD

What is effective learning?