Coaching and Leadership Development
Introduction Hierarchically positioned managers benefit from conversations with someone who can challenge their thinking, provide genuine feedback, and offer diverse perspectives. Senior leaders are often…
Introduction Hierarchically positioned managers benefit from conversations with someone who can challenge their thinking, provide genuine feedback, and offer diverse perspectives. Senior leaders are often…
Facilitated Learning I follow these ten principles of facilitated learning. I build authentic, attentive, trustworthy, and caring relationships. I take the time to get to…
{Grant & Hartley, 2013. Developing the leader as coach: insights, strategies and tips for embedding coaching skills in the workplace. Coaching: An International Journal of…
Planning Your Continuing Professional Development, Engaging in Reflective Practice, and Evaluating Impact Preparatory reading: Summary article, “The Reflective Practitioner.” Welcome. In this session, we will…
{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} Fundamental principles that underpin learners’ success. Learner-centered; based on constructivist principles; active…
{Adapted from the Best Foot Forward project toolkit.} The Planning Guide as a Resource The Positive Leader Development Program entails structured coaching conversations between leaders…
Focusing our marketing efforts Identifying our ideal client How does their work help build our expertise? How does their work capitalize on our strengths and…
Prospect-Client Information Name: Contact phone, email, address, time zone: When, how, why was contact initiated: Notes: Client Communications Log. Client Contact Calendar Log. Client files…
Introductory Notes The coach’s philosophy influences the coaching model he endorses. The coach may assume the diagnostician role and direct prescriptive change as in the…
Which questions inspire ownership and resilience in my client? Which ones do I find helpful to get me started in the conversation? Does this engage…
{Vogt, Brown, & Isaacs, 2003. The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action.} Questions influence the usefulness of the knowledge we acquire and…
There are several crucial elements in coaching, such as goal selection, goal shaping, action planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation, etc. Different elements require different models…
Coach – Client Relationship Rating Scale I see my coach as caring and approachable. My coach does collaborate effectively. My coach does communicate effectively. Overall…
(For standard active coaching sessions rather than unique sessions, such as feedback or development planning meetings) Greetings, reactions to the last session, and ideas that…
Help Others Be Their Best SELF To be completed by the person receiving feedback My Name: Name of person giving feedback: My key realized strengths…
Strengths assessment Please complete the strengths assessment: Values in Action Inventory of Strengths (VIA-IS) by going to (). The survey will take 30 minutes, and…
The task for the preparation stage is to assist the client in envisaging her future life, verbalizing her intrinsic goals in detail, and converting the…
{Van Coller-Peter & de Vries, 2022. Towards building theory on coachee readiness. International Journal of Evidence-Based Coaching and Mentoring, Vol. 20(1)} Client readiness Lack of…
High social and emotional intelligence levels are essential for professional coaches. Writings by Dr. Daniel Goleman and Dr. Laura Belsten on these intelligences underpin our…
{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} My professional values, knowledge, understanding, and practice standards for specialist learning and…