integrative practice / model

The Model

This page contains the links to the freshpractice model knowledge base.

The freshpractice Framework

An Integrative Contextual Coaching Practice and the freshpractice Framework

Coaching from the Humanistic Perspective

The Humanistic Approach to Facilitating Growth (References)

Introduction to the Humanistic Perspective

Key Concepts from Humanistic Approaches

The Humanistic Guide to Coaching

Limits and Possibilities of a Person-Centered Approach

Adult Learning Theory

Adult Learning and Development Concepts: Short Descriptions

Knowles’ Andragogy 

Bould’s Reflective Practice 

Values, Motivation, and Self-efficacy in Adult Learning

Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory

Experiential Learning

Transformation Theory of Education

Transformative Learning Theory and its Evolution

Lifelong Learning

Coaching Psychology & Positive Psychology in Practice

My View on Positive Psychological Coaching

Positive Psychology Coaching: An Introduction to Approaches, Concepts, & Practices

Personalizing Positive Psychological Change Interventions

Establishing the Coaching Relationship

Psychological Safety

Establishing rapport during online coaching 

The Psychological Contract

Common Elements of All Communications

Building Early Relationships With Clients

Coach Competencies for an Integrated Learning Approach

Asking Permission

Business Coaching Processes

Business Coaching Processes: Phases of the Coaching Engagement

Strategic Framework for Leveraging External Coaching: The Perspective of the Organization

The Organizational Coaching Framework: The Perspective of the Coach

The Trans Theoretical Model of Change

Stages of Change: A Temporal Map for Coaching Interventions – Working from the Trans Theoretical Model of Change

Moving through the Stages of Change & the Drivers of Change

Motivational Interviewing Skills

Motivation & Emotion

Presence, Intention, & Affordances

Development & the Ideal Self

Goals, Objectives, Outcomes: A Goal-Focused Approach to Engagement, Wellbeing, & Performance

Goal Power

Objective Setting & Impact Evaluation Framework

An Integrative Goal-Focused Approach to Executive Coaching

Goal Striving, Need Satisfaction, & Longitudinal Wellbeing: The Self-Concordance Model

Protocols for Self-Concordant Goal Striving

Organizational Effectiveness: Building Blocks & Meaningful Outcome Measures

Capitals & the Full Range of Outcomes

Overview of Capitals

A Short Note on ROI Methodology

ROI evaluation toolkit, survey instruments 

An ROI Method for Executive Coaching Evaluation

Coaching ROI: Delivering Strategic Value

Defining the Measures for the ROI Evaluation: The Leader. The Organization. The Business.