
Here is an approach to generating qualified leads and scheduling meetings with prospective buyers.

Let’s consider what you do to make the most of your prospecting opportunities.

You can substitute words for selling activities with “leading” and words referring to buyers with “followers.” In this context, “generate qualified leads” means “engage followers” or “build the relationship with followers,” “prospecting opportunities” means “sharing vision and purpose with followers” or “exploring future directions with followers.”

To become good at prospecting, prepare and practice; write out the relevant questions a prospect might have and write out the answers.

Practice out loud; observe how you react or feel as you hear the question and as you hear the answer, inquire into your inner game.

Write out objections and put-offs: “who are you; why should I listen to you; it’s not a good time; I’m not interested; we’re not interested; I have to go now; you should speak to someone else; I’m not the right person.”

Know what you will say and how you will react to each one. Do not wing it. Prepare. Practice.

As you prepare and practice, pay attention to your inner game; as you figure out what questions and put-offs might come at you, “see” that you know you can respond to them and that you can take advantage of the opportunities in these challenges and objections.

Prospecting involves creating new conversations that lead to sales and using communication tools to create opportunities. Your goal is to capture attention, create interest, and convert that into a conversation.

Your prospect may be in the desire phase, interested in solving a particular problem, or purchasing an available product or service. Your prospect may be in the action phase, searching for a solution to the problem.

From the prospect’s understanding, ask them (in your mind):

Do you have a problem? What do you see as the problem?

What is the importance of solving this problem?

Are you willing to take action?

Do you perceive a need to solve a problem?

What characterizes the need; are there other possible needs; what creates the need; what issues are related to this need?

What impact can working with me have on your life and business?

These inquiries reveal a latent need; the questions are demand-driving.

The other type is the demand-driven need when your approach should be to get on the radar, stay on the radar, and create a preference to work with you if and when the demand arises.

Demand-driving prospecting implies that you generate interest in solving a particular affliction or problem or achieving an aspiration or goal.

Why should you be interested in this now?

What is your situation that would benefit from this now?

What value would you get by engaging with this now?

Do you know there exists a solution; it is possible to address the issues you have!

I want to inspire, educate, and influence you to take action.

Demand-driven prospecting asks: 

Do you see a need for the offering now or in the future? 

Can I provide you with some value now on the call?

How do I target buyers well? How do I find buyers with a need to use the product or service I offer?

What valuable message would convince this prospect to listen and get interested now?

How could I open their eye to the latent need?

Do I come across as a peer to the top people or executives I speak with?

My general prospecting attitude is summed up in these assertions:

Your time will be well spent if you elect to speak with me.

You will get value just from speaking with me.

You will also get value after you buy from me.

Your life can be enriched by working with me.

The Key 6 Concepts in Prospecting

(1) Targeting

Strength of your list, precision of your targeting.

Call high to decision-makers.

Make sure your list is clean and ready to go before you start.

How should you build your target list?

Write down the list-building resources you can use to get started.

(2) Value in Every Touch

At first, sell the idea that the prospect’s time will be well spent if they elect to speak with you. Think about the value they’ll get from just speaking with you. Don’t just consider the value you will provide after they buy from you. They’re looking to find out how their lives can be enriched by working with you; show them from the first contact onward.

(3) Right Offer

Your ultimate offer is what they get as a result or outcome.

Interim offers are the offers you make, and they accept before they buy from you; these must be crafted with utmost care.

(4) No Tricks

Be high-integrity.

(5) Multiple Touches

It takes more attempts to get through to your targets than you think, often seven or more touches.

(6) Variety of Touches

Call calling + mail + email +


Risks: Buyers are worried about risks;

Will your product do what you say it will do?

Is it the right service for them?

Will it have the result you say it will?

What might go wrong?

Are they making the right decision?

Closing involves securing a commitment to move forward with a course of action.

If you believe moving forward with you is truly in the buyer’s best interest, help them make a decision and make the best decision. Not doing so would not be serving your future client.

If you know it’s right for the prospect to move forward, you know you can help, and you have no doubt the solution will work, then you should do what you can to close the deal.

Core Factors for Making a Sale Close-Ready

Attend to as many of these criteria as possible to move the deal to close-ready.

Make sure RAIN selling and selling basics are fully addressed:

You’ve built rapport and developed relationships with decision-makers and influencers to the best of your ability.

The prospect’s aspirations and afflictions are clear.

The impact of addressing the buyer’s needs is compelling.

Your solution will solve the problem.

You painted a picture of the new reality of how the prospect’s life will be different and better after she buys from you.

The buyer is FAINT qualified.

You also know how buying will happen:

the decision-making process; 

who needs to be involved; you’ve involved them at the right time, in the right way; 

the overall buying timeline from the first conversation to the decision; 

the decision-making criteria, their personal as well as organizational criteria.

Closing Too Early

Do you know what the client needs?

Are you sure of what the impact of solving the need will be?

Have you created a new reality for the client?

Before you agree to work on a proposal, ensure everything is in place.

You have found out all the aspirations and afflictions.

What’s the impact of solving those on the prospect?

What will their new reality look like when they use your solution?

Are they the proper buyer?

Do they have the funds and the authority; are they interested; do they have the need; are they ready?

Have you involved all the decision-makers in the process?

Make sure you 

understand the prospect’s world, their business issues, aspirations, and afflictions; 

have the right solution for their needs: better than your competitors and the other options available to the buyer; 

establish a strong connection with the buyer; 

are convinced if the client chose you or your product, they’d be better for it; 

communicate your solution’s impact, clear and compelling; 

demonstrate the value the prospect gets from working with you is worth it.

Always ask yourself, “Are the conditions right to close?”

Are the buying criteria satisfied; have we met the personal criteria of all the different buyer personas; are the conditions right to win the business?

Do your best to win that business.

Some Notes on Marketing

Ensure your marketing is energetically, emotionally, and financially sustainable.

You need a strategic outlook on marketing with a long-term view that is consistent, systemic, and systematic.

When you try an idea that doesn’t work, you may think, “it’s awful and everyone thinks you’re useless, ” when it’s the technique or the packaging that’s unfit, whereas the offer may be brilliant. So, just try another technique, channel, or packaging.

Consistency: Maintain the rhythm while you are delivering the service. Partner with someone to continue marketing while you deliver to clients. Have tools and processes. Have evergreen material with substance to get back on or drawback on again and again and repurpose.

There may be a perception gap between what you provide and what they think they get or need; this gap can best be filled with content. Talk to what they want and then educate to what they need.