Mustafa Cevik, Executive Coach
Adam Smith, Controller and
Friedrich Engels, Director HR
XYZ Capital
Dear Adam and Friedrich,
I enjoyed meeting with both of you this morning to discuss the possibility of providing leadership coaching to Adam. I have served as a manager and executive for over 20 years in engineering and construction companies, as well as a general manager in a retail sector company.
I am currently providing coaching services to managers and executives in line with my mission to support adult development, human flourishing, and leadership in organizations to benefit a flourishing society. I am currently engaged in various coaching assignments in engineering and manufacturing companies.
As Adam and I discussed, he has a long-standing commitment to his professional growth and development but has not had formal courses on leadership or management. In addition, he would like help expanding his managerial repertoire so that he can be more direct when the situation requires it. His openness to learning and awareness of areas he would like to work on are positive predictors of growth through coaching. In addition, it may be useful for Adam to attend a leadership development or managerial skill course, possibly later this year, which would build on his progress in coaching.
I will use this letter to outline the steps and fees for the type of coaching program that Adam and I discussed. For clarity, I have separated coaching into two connected phases, with a third phase of follow-up support to be structured later. The initial two phases are 1. Relationship Building and Needs Assessment 2. Active Coaching. Each is described below.
1. Relationship Building and Needs Assessment
This phase includes the following steps, some of which could overlap:
Assuming Adam and I are in agreement to proceed, we would meet again to confirm steps in the coaching process and discuss in more detail his career, challenges, strengths, gaps, and aspirations to begin shaping possible development themes and action ideas.
I would interview Adam’s manager, Karl Marx, to gather his perspective on Adam’s strengths and development areas.
Coaching often taps peers and direct reports to get a complete picture of how the client is viewed, so I would also interview Adam’s direct reports and a sample of peers and internal clients.
If there is interest, I can also provide standardized assessments to Adam using tools such as <Need Press> to add to the self-insight process.
I would analyze the results of the interviews and other information and distill themes into a feedback summary, which would be presented to Adam for a thorough discussion.
Based on that information, Adam and I would draft a development action plan to strengthen and broaden his leadership style. It would identify 2-3 key development goals as well as on-the-job action ideas to make progress on goals.
We would share that draft development plan with HR and Karl to reach consensus and get everyone’s active support for implementing Adam’s development efforts.
This phase would involve 12-18 professional hours (the range reflects unknowns about the number of interviews and other elements). Fees: xxx.
2. Active Coaching
Building upon the development plan, this phase increases developmental activity:
Adam and I would meet every other week for coaching meetings of 1-2 hours each in a conference room at XYZ.
The focus of these meetings would be to make progress on the developmental objectives by implementing the action ideas outlined in the development plan; support for and adjustments in action ideas would also be made to take advantage of emerging situations.
Discussions would focus on applying new self-insight and management tactics, approaches to current work challenges, adjustments in leadership style, overcoming challenges, and other topics.
I would be available to Adam via phone and email for just-in-time consultation on management, leadership, or other questions that arise.
I am prepared to teach management, leadership, and other skills that support the changes envisioned in the plan.
I would recommend management and leadership books and other materials as helpful adjuncts to the development plan; management and leadership courses would also be identified.
Regular contacts by me with HR and Karl to get feedback on progress and understand any emerging organizational issues relevant to Adam.
Assuming an overall six-month time frame for both phases, this phase would involve 15-20 professional hours. Fees: zzz.
3. Follow-up Support
A supportive follow-up phase is often part of coaching. It usually involves a less intensive schedule between coach and client while still providing guidance and support. It can be structured in many ways (e.g., monthly meetings, quarterly meetings, phone contact, email). When we are closer to it, we can determine how to structure this phase to meet Adam’s and the organization’s needs and interests.
This would be especially important after Adam attends a leadership development course, possibly later this year, that would build on his progress in coaching. Follow-up coaching would help him assimilate the learning from the course and apply it to his leadership responsibilities. Such a course would also be useful in evaluating his progress in development since it usually includes a 360-degree survey as pre-work.
I prefer to invoice monthly for direct professional time rendered in my coaching work, and my invoices describe the work performed during the past month. I invoice using my company name and would be happy to provide any information required for your vendor system, including signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). The upper limit of the estimated range for each phase is calculated based on my hourly rate and represents a ceiling; unless we were to discuss special circumstances, you could assume that hours and fees would be within that amount and may be lower, depending on progress.
The only items not included in the fees above are 1. out-of-pocket expenses associated with travel or other direct expenditures (assessments, books, etc.), 2. actual time I am required to travel to deliver coaching services, and 3. appointments canceled on short notice. Here is how I handle each of these: 1. Out-of-pocket expenses, such as test fees, travel, and meals, are simply included on my invoices with the required documentation. 2. For my travel time, my practice is to invoice for half the actual time I am in transit after the first 30 minutes each way. In other words, there are no fees for normal commutation to the client’s site in Manhattan. 3. Finally, based on my hourly rate, I reserve the right to charge for appointments canceled on short notice (less than a week). Should any of these three items apply, they would be in addition to the fees outlined above for delivering the coaching services.
The contents of all coaching conversations, feedback reports, and assessment results are confidential between Adam and me. The development plan, however, is not confidential and is meant as a guide for all parties invested in Adam’s development. I would seek regular contact with Karl and HR to gain views on Adam’s progress and discuss ways to support that progress.
I hope this proposal letter adequately outlines the executive coaching that Adam and I discussed. Let me know if any questions arise. I am prepared to begin working with Adam next week, pending the appropriate approvals.
I look forward to working with XYZ on Adam’s development.
Sincerely, the Mustafa.