

Job Engagement and its Effect on Job Performance

{Rich, Lepine, & Crawford, 2010. Job Engagement: Antecedents and Effects on Job Performance. Academy of Management Journal Vol. 53, No. 3}  Explaining performance  Performance has been explained with emphasis on affect or cognition or the motives for physical persistence in…

Individual Work Performance

{Koopmans et al., 2013. Development of an individual work performance questionnaire. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management Vol. 62 No.1} Introduction Individual work performance (IWP) is employee behaviors or actions relevant to the organization’s goals. The focus is on…

Organizational Commitment

Introduction  An organization’s prevailing culture affects important outcomes such as commitment and performance. For example, support and innovation culture dimensions lead to high organizational commitment. In addition, cultural values and attitudes and human resources practices influence employees’ work effort and…

Job Satisfaction: Crafting the Perfect Job

Job Satisfaction: Crafting the Perfect Job  {Biswas-Diener & Dean, 2007. Positive Psychology Coaching: Putting the Science of Happiness to Work for Your Clients.}  Jobs fill our days with work.  Inevitably, work-related issues and complaints amount. As a result, people seek…

Designing and Evaluating Positive Psychology Interventions at Work

Designing Positive Interventions {Donaldson, Chen, & Donaldson, 2021. Designing Positive Organizational Psychology Interventions. In Donaldson & Chen, (Ed.) Positive Organizational Psychology Interventions: Design and Evaluation. John Wiley & Sons} Positive organizational scholarship (POS) is focused on understanding the drivers of…

Building Blocks of Positive Functioning at Work

{Donaldson, van Zyl, & Donaldson, 2022. PERMA +4: A Framework for Work-Related Wellbeing, Performance, and Positive Organizational Psychology 2.0. Front. Psychol. 12:817244} Introduction Positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and accomplishments (PERMA) are a robust framework for measuring, managing, and developing…

Positive Interventions at Work

Building Positive Organizations {van Woerkom, 2021. Building Positive Organizations: A Typology of Positive Psychology Interventions. Front. Psychol. 12:769782.} Introduction Different types of positive psychology interventions (PPIs) can strengthen each other.  For sustainable contribution to workers’ optimal functioning, PPIs must comprise…

Strength-Based Leadership Coaching

{MacKie, 2016. Strength-based Leadership Coaching in Organizations.} Key components of coaching for positive leadership development in organizations Before beginning any leadership development process, assess the readiness of the individual and the organization for a strength-based approach to leadership development. How…

Defining Positive Leadership

{Malinga, Stander, & Nell, 2019. Positive Leadership: Moving Towards an Integrated Definition and Interventions. In Van Zyl & Rothmann (eds.), Theoretical Approaches to Multi-Cultural Positive Psychological Interventions.} A critical review of the positive leadership literature suggests that positive leadership in…

Being Mindful of Emotion

{Harrison, 2017. The Foundations of Mindfulness: How to Cultivate Attention, Good Judgment, and Tranquility} Emotion at the Atomic Level: Valence and Action Tendencies  “How does a monk observe the valences of phenomena? When experiencing a pleasant feeling, he knows: “This…

Emotions, Moods, Sentiments, Passions

Emotional feelings arise when a person-situation or person-interaction is relevant to one’s wellbeing. The person processes the encounter consciously or unconsciously, which produces a perception that attaches meaning to the experience, accompanied by physiological changes, cognitive processing, a subjective experience,…

A Strengths-Based Goal-Focused Operating System

A sustainable, intentional human system needs some enduring yet adapting and transforming core elements. Adapting, since the environment is continually changing; transforming, since a living system is always in dynamic equilibrium, either positively growing or decaying, both leading to transformations.…

Key Concepts from Humanistic Approaches

Originally developed for therapists’ use in psychotherapy, these concepts are easily extrapolated for relationships such as coaching and translated into coaching practice. Growth-Oriented View of the Person An optimistic view of the person entails believing individuals can use their experiences…