

Personal Knowledge Mastery Portal

The Practice of Positive Psychology for Thriving and Wellbeing in Community Your Personal (Thriving & Wellbeing) Knowledge Mastery Portal How do you thrive during challenging times, individually and with others? What does research tell us about building and sustaining wellbeing…

Coaching and Leadership Development 

Introduction  Hierarchically positioned managers benefit from conversations with someone who can challenge their thinking, provide genuine feedback, and offer diverse perspectives. Senior leaders are often high performers in their functional areas. However, as they rise, their effectiveness drivers shift to…

Facilitated Learning

Facilitated Learning I follow these ten principles of facilitated learning. I build authentic, attentive, trustworthy, and caring relationships. I take the time to get to know each participant as an individual. I connect with each participant in a respectful, trustworthy,…

Workbook Three: Goal-Setting Session Two

Summary Personal goal: Professional goal: Social goal: Personal milestone: Professional milestone: Social milestone: Accountability partner: Celebrations plan: Commitments: Weekly meeting: Monthly meeting: Daily ritual: Monitoring and evaluating: Observations, insights, questions, and issues I want to address and share: My Goals…

Working Session on Engaging the CPD Process

Planning Your Continuing Professional Development, Engaging in Reflective Practice, and Evaluating Impact Preparatory reading: Summary article, “The Reflective Practitioner.” Welcome. In this session, we will move through the CPD planning cycle from the end to the beginning, i.e., backward. CPD…

What is effective learning?

{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} Fundamental principles that underpin learners’ success. Learner-centered; based on constructivist principles; active and deep learning; develops learners’ higher-level skills and cognition; develops learners’ self-confidence, self-esteem, and sense…

Coaching Conversation Planning Guide

{Adapted from the Best Foot Forward project toolkit.} The Planning Guide as a Resource The Positive Leader Development Program entails structured coaching conversations between leaders and coaches that parallel the content presented in teaching and workshop modules for building Positive…

Prospect-Client Needs, Goals, and Vision

Focusing our marketing efforts Identifying our ideal client How does their work help build our expertise? How does their work capitalize on our strengths and experience? What are their characteristics? Appreciative? Decisive? Communicative? A lively sense of humor? What characteristics…

Prospect to Client Journey Information Capture Plan

Prospect-Client Information Name: Contact phone, email, address, time zone: When, how, why was contact initiated: Notes: Client Communications Log. Client Contact Calendar Log.  Client files Checklist Client details; Contract; Client notes; Client meeting dates; Payments made; Number of sessions; session…

Executive Coaching Models

Introductory Notes  The coach’s philosophy influences the coaching model he endorses. The coach may assume the diagnostician role and direct prescriptive change as in the coach-as-expert model, or the coach may place the client in the driver’s seat and facilitate…

Questions Questions

Which questions inspire ownership and resilience in my client? Which ones do I find helpful to get me started in the conversation? Does this engage my resourcefulness? {Powerful questions invite the client to clarity, action, and discovery; they create a…

The Art of Powerful Questions

{Vogt, Brown, & Isaacs, 2003. The Art of Powerful Questions: Catalyzing Insight, Innovation, and Action.} Questions influence the usefulness of the knowledge we acquire and the effectiveness of our actions. Questions lead to movement and action, generate creative insights, ignite…

A word on coaching models

There are several crucial elements in coaching, such as goal selection, goal shaping, action planning, execution, monitoring and evaluation, etc. Different elements require different models to be effectively worked on. The important principle is that models must be integrated and…

Session Structure for Ongoing Coaching Sessions

(For standard active coaching sessions rather than unique sessions, such as feedback or development planning meetings) Greetings, reactions to the last session, and ideas that resonated. Client’s current feelings and stress level Client’s goals or agenda items for the session…