

Coaching from the Humanistic Perspective

The Humanistic Approach to Facilitating Growth: A Guide for Educators, Coaches, Facilitators, Leaders, and Parents   References Bachkirova & Borrington, 2018, The Limits and Possibilities of a Person-Centred Approach In Coaching Through the Lens of Adult Development Theories. Philosophy of…

Exploring the strength of Fairness

How are you expressing your strength of fairness at work, at home, and community? What circumstances make it easier or harder for you to compromise to a position of fairness? Are you encountering people or situations where you are given…

Exploring the strength of Honesty

Consider your personal and professional relationships; how do you make and honor your commitments and agreements? How easy can you take responsibility for mistakes when you make them? {When you take responsibility, how do you feel afterward, the next day,…

Investing in Strengths

{Clifton & Harter, 2003. In Cameron, Dutton, & Quinn (Eds.), Positive Organizational Scholarship} Overview Our talents – naturally recurring patterns of thought, feeling, or behavior that we can productively apply – are our most significant opportunities for success. By refining…

Investing and Developing Positive Capacities

{Luthans, Youssef, & Avolio, 2007. Psychological Capital: Investing and Developing Positive Organizational Behavior. In Nelson & Cooper (Eds.), Positive Organizational Behavior.} Focusing on the elements that contribute to flourishing in addition to what makes individuals fail brings a more balanced…

An Agentic Perspective on Positive Psychology

{Bandura, 2008. An Agentic Perspective on Positive Psychology. In Lopez (Ed). Positive Psychology: Exploring the Best in People (Vol. 1) Discovering Human Strengths} Personal Mini-Experiments: Increasing Your Self-Efficacy Work toward increasing your self-efficacy to increase your wellbeing. Setting and Achieving…

Core Self-Evaluations

{Judge & Hurst, 2007. The Benefits and Possible Costs of Positive Core Self-Evaluations: A Review and Agenda for Future Research. In Nelson & Cooper (Eds.). Positive Organizational Behavior.} What are the sources of positive psychological states and behavior? Judge et…

Character Strengths: A Primer

Opening Words The use of signature strengths at work and in life generally is assumed to facilitate wellbeing and performance. The assumption is based on research literature published in well-established peer-reviewed journals and can be considered valid in the year…

Discovering Your Strengths

{Rettew & Lopez, 2008. Discovering Your Strengths.} {Bowers, 2008. Making the Most of Human Strengths.} {In Lopez (Ed.), 2008. Positive Psychology: Exploring the Best in People. Volume 1, Discovering Human Strengths.} What are your strengths? Can you name your trait-like…

Enhancing capacities, enriching self and life

One of the main aspects of positive capacities is the possibility of actualizing, enhancing, developing, and utilizing them. Capacities are malleable states, which are the building blocks of life improvement powers, amenable to development and intervention. In coaching for positive…

Positive Psychological Capacities and Growth

Goal-Directed Behavior, Performance, Outcome Actualizing goal-directed behavior becomes performance and outcome. By applying a time and space frame to behavior, we observe performance. Performance is frame-dependent. Selecting a suitable frame is crucial to evaluating performance.    Behavior has a growth…

Onboarding Resource List

WELCOME MESSAGE INITIAL INQUIRY WELCOME TO YOUR COACHING PROGRAM Accountability and Support A NOTE ON RIGHT SUPPORT INTENTION, ENGAGEMENT, COMMITMENT Clarify your intention Vitalize your engagement Authorize your commitment OPERATIONALIZING THE GUIDELINES, PRINCIPLES, FUNDAMENTALS Principles of generativity, Engage, practice, enact,…