Workbook Three: Goal-Setting Session Two


Personal goal:

Professional goal:

Social goal:

Personal milestone:

Professional milestone:

Social milestone:

Accountability partner:

Celebrations plan:


Weekly meeting:

Monthly meeting:

Daily ritual:

Monitoring and evaluating:

Observations, insights, questions, and issues I want to address and share:

My Goals are specific, measurable, and time-bound. I have translated them into actionable implementation intentions.

My goals are important; values and context.

My goals are attainable yet difficult.

I am committed to achieving results and accomplishing my goals.

I have the required competence, strengths, capacities, and resources. I can find support when necessary. I can develop resources when necessary.

I have a way to monitor progress and receive feedback.

I practice emotional intelligence skills to use the full range of emotional information. I engage my full range of emotional energy as a driving force for positive change.

I authentically embody my values.

I design actions most coherent with my values.

A recent learning situation I engaged in:

Awareness, energetic feel, difficulties, attitude:

Who believed in me:

What made me believe them:

How has my life changed as a result of this relationship:

Who has received this blessing from me:


I have set challenging and specific goals, determined the necessary steps to take, and gauged the effort to create excellence. I have considered the environmental context, other people who might make a difference, the material resources required, and my energetic state. I have set a progress metric, a specific outcome, and the date by which that outcome can be achieved.

Learning Goal Checklist  

I orient myself with the BRIDGE framework to pursue my goals. For my learning goals, I consider

Brainstorming: Who has accomplished this goal before? Can I learn from them; can they give me a checklist of how they did it? Where else can I gain knowledge? Do I have previous relevant experience?

Relationships: Who will I need as an ally to accomplish this goal? Who should not be involved in this process?

Investment: How much time, money, energy, and other resources will I need to invest?

Decisions: When will I take action, and how will I know it’s time to stop and try again?

Good Grit: When will I need to be positively persistent, passionate, and persevering in pursuing this goal? How will I handle obstacles?

Excellence: What standards of excellence will I use to judge progress and success? I will hold myself to challenging and specific standards as I gather information and move through the experiential learning cycle.

Learning notes:

How I learned to proceed:

Who was particularly helpful:

What to avoid next time:


Check for comprehensibility:

Performance Goal Checklist 

Building Blocks of Accomplishment

Goal statement:

Best Outcome:


Progress metrics:

Notes about gauging excellence, measurements, range of outcome quality, effectiveness, other:

Safety issues:

Cautionary issues:

Brainstorming: Is there a new or better way to accomplish this goal?

Relationships: Who will I need to assist me, if anyone, and is this different from the last time?

Investment: Will it cost more from any standpoint: money, time, character strengths, effort, or learning than it did before?

Decisions: Will I use the same tools and methods to decide if something needs to be tweaked or halted? Can I improve my process?

Good Grit: Will this require more effort than before? What parts of good grit must I improve? Humility, perseverance, passion, persistence, or patience?

Excellence: Am I aiming for the best possible standards for outcomes? Is this different from the standards I used before?