The Strengths-Based Positive Growth Project: “Goal-Setting and Positive Capacity Building” Workbook
Preliminary and related inquiries: Strengths, Interests, Values
A goal is a vision for the future. An action plan is a promise to bring that future into our lives.
I take action toward my future vision as an expression of my authentic self. I am living by my values.
I am willingly participating and ready to take action for positive change.
I am motivated to set self-concordant goals and author my life.
Steps I follow in setting and achieving goals
Decide what I want by when;
List possible actions to achieve my goals; invite others’ input for possible actions;
Consider my strengths and resources and make an action plan using the best ideas from my list;
Set priorities;
Commit to take consistent, regular action on my plan;
Create support structures and enlist an accountability partner;
Monitor progress, adjust when necessary;
Celebration Notes
What will I do to celebrate achieving each goal?
What will I celebrate of my character, virtues, talents, strengths, and values?
Achievements and accomplishments:
Positive experiences along the way:
Relationships honored and built:
Engagement I enjoyed and meaning I created:
Self-esteem nurtured and confidence nourished:
Building up positive capacities:
Making Progress Visible
My goal, What, by when:
Current milestone:
Monthly SMART goal:
Monthly tracking sheet – Actions leading to SMART goal achievement
Action — Output units, Progress indicators; Amount targeted — Target date
Actions taken by now — Output generated by now — Adjust? On target?
Milestones to celebrate:
Red flags:
Regular end-of-month review (or review initiated by red flags)
What were my set priorities?
What needs adjustment?
What works, what gets results, what can I accentuate?
What strengths and resources can I leverage?
What does not work or produce results; what should I tweak or replace with something more effective? Am I using an appropriate timescale?
Setting Up Support Structures
I use support structures and tools consistently, regularly, and often. I employ and deploy small and quick ones as well as big and inert ones. I use what works for me.
Self-administered tools:
Interpersonal support:
Communal support:
Celebrations I look forward to:
People who appreciate my potentials and rejoice in the sharing of abundance and joy:
Accountability Check-In
We use active constructive responding in check-ins with my accountability partner.
My goals for the next week (until the next meeting) are:
Since the last meeting, I have done:
My accomplishments to share and celebrate are:
Check-in agenda
What actions did I take I said I would? Let’s celebrate those.
Actions I did not take I said I would. Will I take these incomplete actions until the next meeting?
My priorities moving forward are these goals for the month or season:
To accomplish my goals, I will do these actions for the week:
Weekly Ritual
My Weekly Appointment day and time, 30-minute slot in weekly calendar:
Next milestone:
Monthly goal, outcome:
Plan, track, evaluate
The next seven days, goals, outcomes, outputs:
The previous seven days, goals, outcomes, outputs:
What have I done planned and unplanned that moved me forward?
Pull the strings, or loosen up?
Am I ok with how things are going?
Obstacles and challenges ahead:
Overcome and preempt:
Actions, strengths, resources:
Support and external resources to enlist:
Develop dormant talents into strengths:
High-Priority Actions List for the Week
Most important actions for the week ahead:
Best result expected, priority action:
Action item, day, time, cue, duration, best output
Tracking Sheet: Weekly Actions and Outputs
<Action item, Output unit> <Week 1 plan; actual output> <Week 2 plan; actual output> <Week 3> <Week 4>
How are things moving forward?
What’s working; what’s not working; improvement ideas:
Where might additional effort add to my results?
Actions for the week to post on visual board:
Daily Ritual for Daily Implementation Intentions
What one small step could I take today on each of my weekly goals?
My top three priority actions for the day, by when I will do them:
Write it down, speak it out.
Priority action one, by:
Priority action two, by:
Priority action three, by:
Doing the actions for today to accomplish my priorities for the week and move toward my goals.
Monthly Ritual, Check-In, and Update
My Monthly Appointment day and time, 60+ minute slot in weekly calendar:
Next milestone:
Monthly goal, outcome planned; achieved:
What goals will I set for this month?
How are my monthly goals and outcomes adding up to my bigger goal?
Primary Goals List
Personal primary goal one:
Milestone to personal goal one:
SMART goals to personal milestone one:
Personal primary goal two:
Professional primary goal one:
Milestone to professional goal one:
SMART goals to professional milestone one:
Professional primary goal two:
Social primary goal one:
Milestone to social goal one:
SMART goals to social milestone one:
Social primary goal two:
Personal goal and monthly action plan: inquire, review, and update
Next milestone (with date) for personal goal one:
What monthly personal goals will move me toward this milestone:
Approaching a milestone during this month?
How will I celebrate when I reach this month’s milestone?
Monthly (SMART) goal one:
Check one: Target date, realistic, achievable, monitored and measured, specific and clear
Adjust or modify one?
Monthly action plan for SMART goal one: Every action has an output that adds toward achieving the monthly goal or milestone
Previous month check: What have I achieved? What have I grown in my strengths, capacities, and resources? How are my vision and my becoming unfolding?
What is my goal for the month?