Working Session on Engaging the CPD Process

Planning Your Continuing Professional Development, Engaging in Reflective Practice, and Evaluating Impact Preparatory reading: Summary article, “The Reflective Practitioner.” Welcome. In this session, we will…

What is effective learning?

{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} Fundamental principles that underpin learners’ success. Learner-centered; based on constructivist principles; active…

Subject-specific CPD

{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} My professional values, knowledge, understanding, and practice standards for specialist learning and…

Action Research

{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} Daily, we are doing research by questioning ourselves about our teaching and…

The Reflective Practitioner

{Scales, Pickering, & Senior, 2011. Continuing Professional Development in the Lifelong Learning Sector.} The main steps in reflective practice; have an experience, recapture your experience,…

Coaching Supervision

{Hawkins, 2010. In Passmore (Ed.), Excellence in Coaching: The Industry Guide. 2nd Ed.}  Supervision in coaching is formal professional support to ensure continuing coach development…

The Reflective Coaching Practitioner Model

{Campone, 2011. In Passmore (Ed.), Supervision in Coaching: Supervision, Ethics, and Continuous Professional Development}  Introduction As a reflective practitioner, I intentionally draw upon my experiences…

Coach Development Guide

Coaches are always in a state of becoming, perfecting their craft, learning, and deepening their foundation. This checklist helps identify areas where you might focus…