


Here is an approach to generating qualified leads and scheduling meetings with prospective buyers. Let’s consider what you do to make the most of your prospecting opportunities. You can substitute words for selling activities with “leading” and words referring to…

Contracting for success: A Guiding Framework

{Bennett, 2008. Contracting for success. IJCO Issue 4 2008 (7).} Contracting is crucial for successful coaching engagements. Contracting is reaching intentional agreements where the coach and client determine what must happen and in what context, establish trust, set mutual expectations,…

Sample Proposal

Mustafa Cevik, Executive Coach Date Adam Smith, Controller and Friedrich Engels, Director HR XYZ Capital Dear Adam and Friedrich, I enjoyed meeting with both of you this morning to discuss the possibility of providing leadership coaching to Adam. I have…

Sample Coaching Agreement

Sample Coaching Agreement  This Agreement is entered into by and between Name, Company, Address __________ (Coach) and ______ Name, Address (Client) whereby Coach agrees to provide Coaching Services for Client focusing on the following topics/results/outcomes/goals attached to this Agreement as…

The Contracting Conversation

Communications (documents to read for the client) Conversations (the actual encounter and dialogue) Mastery (the being, knowing, and doing of the client and coach inside and outside the conversation) Script for the Initial (Discovery) Coaching Session or the Contracting Conversation…

Coaching Defaults: Self-Assessment

Awareness is key in coaching practice. Experienced and novice coaches benefit from examining how habitual patterns influence coaching practices. A default is a go-to place, a habitual way of behaving that emerges when you are not fully present, when you…

Coach Self-Reflection: Sessional

Tracking your immediate perceptions of your work in a coaching session provides you with insights and new avenues for learning. Moreover, such self-reflections help identify emerging issues in relationships with clients. Answering the following questions thoughtfully promotes your development as…

How We Look at the World

Contrasting Lenses of Coach and Client How we look at the world is influenced by multiple factors. It is impossible to identify all the factors that condition our perceptions. Still, some variables are particularly likely to have a significant influence.…

Four-Way Coachability Index

The concept of coachability is complex. Although it is often used to indicate whether the coaching client is coachable, four factors actually affect the viability of a coaching engagement.  Context. The context encompasses all external factors influencing whether a coaching…

Getting to Know You

As part of our intake process, I invite you to reflect on the following questions. In addition to these questions, please complete the VIA Survey (). You might also share the results of assessments you have done in the past,…

Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

What is the single-most reason you decided to enter into a coaching relationship?  What support do you need from your direct manager and manager once removed to make the coaching a success? How will you ensure their support and resources?…

Coaching ROI: Delivering Strategic Value 

{Moseley, 2011. Coaching Roi: Delivering Strategic Value. Employing Executive Coaching in Defense Acquisition.} Terms, Definitions, Concepts Mission Manager. A designated individual with responsibility for and authority to accomplish mission objectives for development, production, and sustainment to meet the client’s operational…

Defining the Measures for the ROI Evaluation

The Leader. The Organization. The Business.   Define the Measures: How Will You Know When You Get There? Business Results Use four basic categories to measure business results: time, money, quality, and quantity. First, state the business results as goals, the…

An ROI Method for Executive Coaching Evaluation

Have the Client Convince the Coach of the ROI. {O’Neill’, 2007. Executive Coaching with Backbone and Heart: A Systems Approach to Engaging Leaders with Their Challenges. 2nd Ed.} How to link clients’ development to measurable business results? Use the Three…

ROI evaluation toolkit, survey instruments.

Questionnaire A: Reaction and Learning. Your initial coaching sessions Please provide your initial impressions of coaching based on your first four sessions. Rate as: 1. Strongly Disagree  2. Disagree  3. Agree  4. Strongly Agree Q1 My coach and I set…

A Short Note on ROI Methodology

Our purpose in using needs identification, objectives setting, and outcome measurement and evaluation is to ensure improvements align with the business needs. We demonstrate the learning and improvement function’s contribution to the organization. By identifying ROI drivers, we develop program…

Overview of capitals

All organizations depend on various forms of capital for their success. These capitals are stores of value that, in one form or another, become inputs to the organization’s business model. They are also increased, decreased, or transformed through the organization’s…