How We Look at the World

Contrasting Lenses of Coach and Client How we look at the world is influenced by multiple factors. It is impossible to identify all the factors…

Four-Way Coachability Index

The concept of coachability is complex. Although it is often used to indicate whether the coaching client is coachable, four factors actually affect the viability…

Getting to Know You

As part of our intake process, I invite you to reflect on the following questions. In addition to these questions, please complete the VIA Survey…

Pre-Coaching Questionnaire

What is the single-most reason you decided to enter into a coaching relationship?  What support do you need from your direct manager and manager once…

Coaching ROI: Delivering Strategic Value 

{Moseley, 2011. Coaching Roi: Delivering Strategic Value. Employing Executive Coaching in Defense Acquisition.} Terms, Definitions, Concepts Mission Manager. A designated individual with responsibility for and…

A Short Note on ROI Methodology

Our purpose in using needs identification, objectives setting, and outcome measurement and evaluation is to ensure improvements align with the business needs. We demonstrate the…

Overview of capitals

All organizations depend on various forms of capital for their success. These capitals are stores of value that, in one form or another, become inputs…

Psychological Safety

{Clark, 2020. The Four Stages of Psychological Safety.} For collaboration to emerge, the leader must manage the two friction categories: intellectual and social. We should…

The Psychological Contract 

{Solomon & Van Coller-Peters, 2019. How coaching aligns the psychological contract between the young millennial professional and the organization. SA Journal of Human Resource Management,…

Asking Permission

{Carol Wilson. Permission Protocol.} {Wilson, 2020. Performance Coaching.} Asking for permission is an essential skill that makes a difference in building and maintaining relationships.…

Development and the Ideal Self

{Boyatzis, 2008. Leadership development from a complexity perspective. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research 2008, Vol. 60, No. 4} Multilevel sustained change Leader development involves…